Deepen Your Practice with These Interactive Audio Meditations
Connecting to the Gap is a simple and efficient guided method for relaxing your mind and bringing you to a moment of stillness where you can tap the gap of quantum potential easily throughout your day...
Into the Gap is a deep guided meditation for relaxing your body, melting away stress, quieting your mind and bringing you to a profound stillness where you can access an infinite source of pure potential. Theresa Bullard, Ph.D...
Creative Alchemy is a guided meditation for enhancing your creativity and powerfully accomplishing your goals. Theresa Bullard leads you through a mental alchemical process to accessing higher consciousness...
Quantum Insight: An Alchemical Meditation Be easily carried into deep meditative states- Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. leads you through an alchemical process that stimulates the pineal gland and opens the doors to higher...
Kabbalah Chants: Awakening the Tree of Life Within
Each album in this 11-part series is specifically tuned to musical frequencies, sound-scape, and divine names that capture the essence of each Sephirah on the Tree of Life. This vibrational meditation series awakens the divine energies of the Tree of Life within you.