Learn a Deeper Truth About Who We Are and Our Spiritual Connection with the Universe

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In her Gaia Original series called Mystery Teachings, Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke interweaves complex concepts from ancient mystery teachings with quantum physics to bring us real-world ways in which we can build upon our spiritual connections and manifest a fulfilled life. Doing so, she shows us the way to reunite with source and tap into our unlimited potential as conscious beings.
Throughout the Mystery Teachings series, Dr. Theresa offers transformative, practical tips and tools that we can apply in our lives to experience real results. Changing the way we live and changing the way we think will create a paradigm shift that will bring us into a new reality. Ancient mystery schools trained their initiates on how to do this, and new revelations from quantum science reaffirm these techniques.
This series is grounded, inspiring, and empowering. By uniting Science with Ancient Mystery School Teachings, we discover how vast our true potential really is and how we are an integral part of a cosmic symphony.
Learn the Mysteries of the Universe
Learn the Mysteries of Human Potential
Learn Deeper Mystery School Teachings
Embark on the Hero's Journey (Coming Soon in September 2020!)
Mystery Teachings Season 1
Topics explored in Season 1 include: Quantum Physics, Holographic Being, Cosmology, Grand Unified Theories, Parallel Realities, Multiverses, Multi-dimensionality, Life in the Universe, in combination with Alchemy, Kabbalah, Hermetic and Esoteric Mystery School Teachings.
Episode 5
Consciousness & Our Holographic Being
Enter into a world of illusions, to explore where our original form is, where are we, who and what we are. Theresa Bullard explains how we can train ourselves to be able to tune in to the subtle energies emanating from this layer of reality and become consciously aware of higher states of being.
Episode 8
Developing Multidimensional Awareness
Developing a multidimensional awareness, across parallel realities, will help us begin the process of alchemically transmuting blockages and unlock our full potential as we seek to reunite with The All. Theresa Bullard explains that our universe may be just one reality in a vast sea of universes.
Episode 9
Becoming Galactic
We are all connected, not just as a collective on Earth, but a collective throughout the galaxy. This means that everything we do sends ripples across the universe, for better or worse. As Theresa Bullard explores definitions of life from scientific and metaphysics perspectives, she offers us a better understanding of our place in the universe.
Episode 10
The Power of Three and Spiritual Alchemy
Explore the power of three as it manifests in various scientific fields and many spiritual traditions throughout the world. Theresa Bullard reveals recurring patterns of three which continue to puzzle scientists, yet offers us a clue to something greater underlying the modern understanding of physics.
Episode 11
Vibration, Tuning & Healing
Theresa Bullard details the science underlying vibrational medicine techniques, and then dives into the mystery school teachings on alchemically transforming the soul into a higher state of being. The idea is to move into a healthy vibratory homeostasis where the body and soul are in harmony with Divine Will.
Episode 13
Using Will to Become Superhuman
Theresa Bullard explains the science and metaphysics of expanding beyond our current perceivable limitations and become the embodiment of the god-self. If we could learn to harness the physics of time, energy, space and momentum, by Will alone, we would become superhuman.
Mystery Teachings Season 2
Topics for season 2 include: the path to self-mastery, unlocking our DNA potential, the art and science of ascension, Vitruvian numerology, expanding our perception, mastering our minds, becoming galactic beings, rewiring our brains to expand consciousness, and much more including practical techniques for awakening our human potential.
Episode 4
Living Through the
Golden Ratio
How do we break out of the box and move beyond limited, linear ways of operating? Develop new paradigms of quantum, holographic, and multidimensional ways of thinking. Theresa Bullard paves the way to these new modes of thought by introducing us to Vitruvian Numerology.
Episode 5
Boosting Your Subtle
Theresa Bullard explains how we can finetune the nervous system in order to perceive a greater spectrum of our reality. Our bodies are ideally suited to perceive the physical world, and these perception abilities can be expanded to become aware of the subtle reality that is also a part of our existence.
Episode 6
Reprogramming Mind and Soul
You can make a shift inside of you, where you become responsible for your thoughts, energy, and emotions, so that you can help create a shift in the collective field that changes our reality. Theresa Bullard explains how we can tap into the energy from Source, to create vibrational changes internally and in our surroundings.
Episode 13
Opening the Heart Gateway
Theresa Bullard takes us deep into the workings of heart intelligence, to explain the importance of cultivation compassion, gratitude and love. As new science catches up to ancient wisdom teachings, we see the data that the seat of human consciousness is not to be found in the brain, but in the heart.
Episode 14
Accessing Universal Consciousness
As season two comes to a close, we go even deeper into the body to discover the importance of our deepest source of intuition, found within our oldest nervous system. Theresa Bullard explains the importance of creating a holistic framework for our being, as we build coherence between the heart, brain and gut.
Mystery Teachings Season 3
Topics explored in Season 1 include: Quantum Physics, Holographic Being, Cosmology, Grand Unified Theories, Parallel Realities, Multiverses, Multi-dimensionality, Life in the Universe, in combination with Alchemy, Kabbalah, Hermetic and Esoteric Mystery School Teachings.
Episode 1
How to
Astral Travel
Learn how to travel beyond the physical body, while still being alive on Earth. In this new season of Mystery Teachings, Theresa Bullard pulls together esoteric practices that help you tap into your own divinity. To start off, she shares techniques that you can use to learn astral travel.
Episode 4
Theresa Bullard delves into teachings from Hermeticism to Alchemy that explain how you can transform your most difficult interactions into opportunities to connect with your own divinity. Learn how you can gain deeper insights into unresolved emotional triggers which negatively impact the way you connect with others.
Episode 5
Seven Stages of
Many believe that alchemy is an ancient pseudo-science obsessed with turning lead into gold. But when you understand the secrets underlying the metaphors, you glean the spiritual transformation and evolution of the soul that are at the heart of this spiritual practice.
Episode 6
Mysteries of Social
Collectively we have moved into a dark night of the soul. This is part of a cycle that started with the new millennium and is speeding up. What was once science fiction is now science fact, and the human soul is trying to keep up. Theresa Bullard explains that this battle can only be won on the inside so that it becomes reflected on the outside.
Episode 12
Decoding the
Sepher Yitzirah
In only twelve pages, the Sepher Yitzirah reveals volumes of mystery teachings from the Kabbalah. From this work, Theresa Bullard reveals the 32 paths of wisdom as depicted in the Tree of Life and reflected in the true language of the universe — frequency and vibrations.
Mystery Teachings Season 4
Embark Upon The Heroes Journey To Awaken Your Multidimensionality Through The 22 Archetypes Of Life
Episode 1
The Fool:
A Journey of Discovery
Use Tarot to Discover your multidimensionality and make a big shift in consciousness. Season Four of Mystery Teachings takes an unprecedented journey through the archetypes of the major arcana. We examine the numerology, astrology, hermetic, and alchemical wisdom embedded within the symbolism of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck. Our journey begins as Dr. Theresa Bullard reveals the mysteries of the Fool. This is the origin of the Hero’s Journey, the path of self-discovery and awakening the true self. The genius of the fool reminds us to be open to limitless possibilities, trust the universe, find the gold within the shadow, and awaken our gifts.
Episode 2
Magician & High Priestess:
Awaken Divine Potential
Harness more of your unawakened potential by exploring the light and dark sides of the divine masculine and feminine. These are realized through the Magician and High Priestess cards. Dr. Theresa Bullard explores the imagery and secrets embedded in these cards to show us how they awaken the divine spark within, help us master the physical plane, prepare for the great work, and bring awareness to our connection with the collective unconscious.
Episode 3
Emperor & Empress:
Balance Creativity & Reason
In this episode, you will find the perfect union between creativity and reason with the Emperor and Empress. As you progress upon your path of self-discovery with Dr. Theresa Bullard, she defines mother and father archetypes we each hold within. These two give us the conscious ability to reason, solve problems, find a renewed sense of life & adventure, and strengthen our connection with others. As you tap into your own Emperor and Empress, you awaken your faculty for leadership and start to believe in the impossible.
Episode 4
Hierophant & Lovers:
Bridging Heaven & Earth
Improve communication and relationships while sharpening intuition and discernment. In Episode 4, Dr. Theresa Bullard delves into the mysteries of the Hierophant and the Lovers which helps integrate various levels of consciousness. The connection between these is a bridge between Heaven & Earth and brings balance to the masculine & feminine. As Dr. Bullard decodes the symbolism and astrological correspondents, we see how these archetypes manifest in our lives by changing limiting beliefs and helping us to find our true path in life.
Episode 5
Chariot and Strength:
Grace Under Pressure
Become centered as you harness inner resources and maintain grace under pressure. Such equilibrium and poise can be gained through the Tarot cards of the Chariot and Strength. Dr. Theresa Bullard ventures deeper into the the major arcana as we explore the strengths and weaknesses of these archetypes. We learn how to overcome our lower nature to embody higher self and how to tame the ego for greater mastery and self-awareness.
Episode 6
Hermet & Wheel of Fortune:
Guidance and Destiny
Find a guide to help fulfill a higher destiny. Dr. Theresa Bullard leads us on a journey inward to know Self and awaken change with the Hermit and Wheel of Fortune Tarot cards. From the seclusion and introspection of the Hermit, we awaken aspects of consciousness that are very old and wise. Then, we reach a turning point in the Hero’s Journey where we are called upon to take risks, be open to new opportunities, and free ourselves from the cycles of the material world.
Episode 7
Juctice and Hanged Man:
Balance and Higher Sacrifice
Key lessons for self-actualization from the Tarot cards of Justice and the Hanged Man include making a sacrifice for a higher purpose and bringing balance in your life. Dr. Theresa Bullard shows us how we can use these archetypes to listen to the inner voice that guides us to recognize right decisions and connect with universal consciousness. Those who dare to turn the journey further inward will find the stillness of mind to come into a place of receptivity and surrender to the process of awakening.
Episode 8
Death and Temperance:
Thriving with Change
You can handle big life changes with grace and balance. Dr. Theresa Bullard guides us through the Tarot Cards of Death and Temperance, two of the most importance stages in our spiritual growth. Death is about all matters of transformation and transition, plus it gives you the power to gracefully adapt. But to fully thrive with these changes and gain a renewed sense of purpose, we find Temperance. Both of these keys work together to help you reach higher levels of consciousness by awakening your ability to thrive on the changes you need to make.
Episode 9
Devil & Tower: Embrace The Shadows
Learn to engage your shadows and transform them into light. We have now reached the most difficult stages in the Hero’s Journey through the Tarot cards of The Devil and The Tower. In this episode, Dr. Theresa Bullard calls us to engage the lessons of these cards which can come as a wakeup call that is like a rude awakening. This radical transformation is uncomfortable, and may be unwanted, but it will tear down old structures and patterns that no longer serve, so that you can rise into your glory.
Episode 10
Star & Moon: A Light In The Dark
The path of self-realization we have been following through the Major Arcana is starting to transition out of the darkest phases. In this episode, Dr. Theresa Bullard guides us into the beginning of the end with the Star & Moon Tarot cards which provide the light to guide us out of the dark night of the soul. As we emerge from these trials, we find hope through our conscious connection with the universal mind. This is the evolutionary process that leads to the peak of understanding and integrating all that we have learned into the body.
Episode 11
Sun & Judgement: Embody The Higher Self
Create a life filled with greater joy, meaning, and purpose as the Tarot cards of Sun & Judgment offer the final lessons before we are reunited with true self. In this episode, Dr. Theresa Bullard relates these cards to the alchemical process of distillation, which is about raising consciousness to the highest levels before bringing it back into our lives. The archetypes of Sun & Moon call us to face the responsibility for making the higher choice to fulfill our divine purpose in life. This is part of the great solar initiation when we finally start to live our lives as an embodiment of higher self.
Episode 12
The World: Nirvana Unfolding
At last the journey is complete as we begin to access our multidimensional potential and become the true self with the World Tarot card. In this episode, Dr. Theresa Bullard recaps the hero’s journey we have undertaken as we ventured through the previous 21 archetypes of the Major Arcana. Then we merge all of them into one, with the full awareness that we are the whole universe which completes the cycle. As you discover the mature form of your true self, you transcend beyond personality to achieve a state of nirvana.
What Viewers are Saying


Alchemy For Soul Ascension
Alchemy can serve as a bridge between the spiritual and science when your soul becomes the Philosophers Stone. Theresa Bullard, a Ph.D. Physicist with deep training in western mystery schools, explains how we can use the seven processes of Alchemy and universal Kabbalah to work in participation with the universe, accelerating our spiritual evolutionary process. This is not about escaping the body, but grounding these ideas in the body and raising it to a higher state, in unison with the soul...
Teaching the Mysteries
Theresa Bullard invites us into the events of her life that led to her earning a Ph.D. in physics, becoming an initiate in a modern mystery school lineage, and to teaching the mysteries. She describes the turning points in her early life that set her on the path of inquiry into the intellectual and the spiritual. From her unique perspective of pairing science and spirituality, she explains what we can expect in the near future as multiple advanced technologies, from A.I. to nanobots, come online in the mainstream collective. Plus, she reveals what we can expect in Seasons 1 and 2 of her series, Mystery Teachings.
Opening the Doors of Mystery Schools
Theresa Bullard, host of Mystery Teachings, introduces us to the wisdom of mystery schools and conveys the importance of their ancient teachings to bring a much-needed wisdom in these times of drastic changes. Throughout the ages, great mystery schools taught intrepid seekers the secrets of ascension, spiritual alchemy, and expansion of consciousness. All the while, their teachings remained hidden from the masses with their mysteries secreted away behind closed doors and encoded within layers of mythology. Today, as technology is advancing quickly, and many people are born with psychic abilities, this training is becoming all the more important for the whole of humanity.
Meet Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke

Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke, is a Ph.D. Physicist, Author, International Spiritual Teacher, and Advanced Initiate of the Modern Mystery School, a world-wide organization dedicated to the mission of world peace and the awakening of humanity. Dr. Theresa weaves together her formal background in science with her deep training in the western mystery school lineage. Drawing from diverse fields of science and metaphysics, she teaches the keys to applying universal principles directly to life for powerful results. Her goal is to empower people to accelerate their progression, activate inner gifts, expand consciousness, and create their ultimate life. To learn more about Dr. Theresa and her offerings click here.
Dr. Theresa would like to also give special thanks and acknowledgment to: Gudni Gudnason, Founder of the Modern Mystery School and an expert in Quantum Consciousness and Metaphysics, for his content contributions; to Genevieve Wachutka for writing and script editing assistance; and to the Gaia TV Production Team for all their work.