Tour with Dr. Theresa and Al

Have you ever wondered about the ancient history and sacred sites in Europe and beyond? My husband Al and I have a passion for this subject, and one of our most recent explorations took us to Portugal, a land rich with mystical history and sacred sites.

When traveling, we love to dig in to the layers of history, going as far back as we can to understand the underlying essence of the land itself and how it has shaped its inhabitants and their cultures.

If you look deep enough, you can find the roots going all the way back to ancient times, to pre-history and ancient peoples.

This imprint is like an energetic signature you can recognize in modern times in the people, and culture.

When you follow the threads back far enough, you find a wealth of mystical wisdom and magick, and that magick is still alive today if you’re open to see it.

My husband Al Whyke shares more insight into the exciting history of Portugal below:

To understand why Portugal was such a highlight for me, I think that it’s worth knowing my WHY ! The reason for me to want to go there.

Over many years I’ve had an interesting relationship with European Medieval History in particular the Knights Templars. The intrigue and mystery of the inner orders of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon have served as fuel for my everlasting curiosity.

My personal research into history has revealed that there’s much more to our ancient past than the recorded dogma of various religions, in-particular the original Roman Catholic Church of old,  Victors of the numerous wars, builders of empires, and have had strong influences upon western education that even today is still peddled as the “true history”. But as we are discovering more and more, what we call “history” is often better described as the “story” written by the victor that was more full of propaganda than fact.

By following the traces and the footsteps of the Knights Templars we find that they are intrinsically interwoven with ancient royal bloodlines (the San Greal or Sang Real). Bloodlines that reach way back through the lives of Jesus, Kings Solomon and King David. Stretching beyond the realms of ancient Sumer, the Scythian Empire …, and even all the way back in time to the Garden of Eden itself!

Further, we begin to understand how the Cistercian movement and other secreted orders were intrinsically intertwined with the Templars. Beautifully, we also begin to appreciate the sheer magnitude and importance of the divine feminine role throughout the history of humankind.

For any discerning researcher, hobbyist, mystic, or historian, the jigsaw to the ‘bigger picture’ is incomplete without a visit to PORT U GRAL !

Some of the major highlights to our trip to Portugal was to visit the medieval townships of Sintra & Tomar.

For these two places could be considered as pivotal strongholds of the Templars.

Steeped in ancient history and intrigue the bells of Sintra & Tomar still ring to the tune of Templar energy.

Templar figureheads such as Gualdim Pais, and King Alfonso Henrique were the key holders and guardians to some of the best kept secrets known in the history of human-kind

The revelation of such would inevitably draw back the heavy curtain of dogma, concealment and deceit of the Church of old.

Shedding new light, knowledge understanding and renewed hope which in turn would illuminate the way to a brighter future.

Inspired by our (very magickal) explorations in Portugal, Al and I are planning to curate a very special tour in the summer of 2026 to guide you on this journey with us.

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Guardians of the Ancient and Sacred: Mystical Roots of Portugal

On this tour we will explore:

  • The mystical roots and founding of Portugal
  • The history and sacred sites of the Knights Templar, and their more ancient origins
  • The ancient peoples, known as the Lucitanians, who were there long before the Romans
  • Mysteries of the 7000 year old “Stonehenge” of Portugal, known as Almendres Cromlech
  • Sacred Geometry, Ley lines, and Rites of Initiation
  • Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and how each role fulfilled a specific purpose
  • Discovering your own lineage and ancestral story

This is more than just an informational tour. We will be weaving in the sacred through ceremony, mythical story telling, and a very special rite on the Summer Solstice 2026.

Is this something you’d like to be a part of?

Here’s what we’re thinking:

  • 12 days of curated tour and teachings with Dr. Theresa and Alan Whyke
  • World-class specialist of the Knights Templar joining as a local tour guide
  • Visiting various sacred sites through Portugal
  • An exclusive, experiential immersion into the history, energy, and legends of Portugal and its connection to the “Holy Grail”

More details to come, but if this is something you’re interested in – let us know!

Sign up here to express your interest in this mystical journey through the layers of history and magickal land of Portugal.

We would love to share this journey with you!

Dr. Theresa + Al


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A trip to Sintra is incomplete without a visit to Quinta da Regaleira. This grand house is a fusion of eccentric, neo-gothic architecture and whimsically decorative features. However, the main attraction of Quinta da Regaleira is its gardens. These are not the conservative gardens of a conventional stately home, but those of an owner fascinated with secret religious orders and mysticism. The estate was developed on land previously owned by the Templars, many of its mystical features are still in tact today.


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Initiation well with a labyrinth of secret passage ways leading into the heart of Sintra Mountain and beyond!


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These Ancient underground passage ways / tunnels date back to time when the mystical Lusitani / Lusi-t-anu known as the peoples of light … followers of Anu !! The enlightened ones !

Some of the Tunnels and passage ways are as adorned with fossilised coral stone that resembles the human skull 💀 No doubt a direct reference to St John the Baptist.
Some of the coral sculptured into the features of the Dragon 🐉 For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, an obvious reference to the Mus-hus … the Messiah or the Royal Princely ancestral line.

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Perched up high in the foothills of Sintra mountain is an ancient stronghold of the Knights Templar. Sintra is also known as the Moon Hill its a place full of magic and mystery where nature and man have combined in such a perfect symbiosis. Sintra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Theresa & I having a medieval dinner 🥘