What is the hardest thing for experienced spiritual seekers?

We just wrapped up 7 transformational days here in West Yorkshire, with a group of ladies who traveled from all over Europe and the USA to join me for the Empowerment Week program.

It was an amazing group of leaders and game-changers ready to make a difference in the world, and even though they had a wealth of training from world-class teachers, they did something that isn’t always easy to do.

They came with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and readiness to be challenged!

This is essential when you’re working with the alchemy of Light.

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When the Light shines on our “stuff”, we get uncomfortable. We feel stretched. The key is in how you respond to that discomfort.

Do you shut it down, run away, throw up your defenses? Or do you stay open, present, and let the Light in?

When you make space for the Light to flow in your life, massive shifts and healing can come in.

Congratulations to this group of ladies who showed up with a willingness to listen, and stay present.

Even though they all felt challenged at certain points along the way, they were able to stay open.

The Light flushes out the system: facilitating healing and dissipating lower frequencies. If you are open, it helps you let go of negative emotions (such as grief, sadness, anger) and limiting beliefs taking up space within your structure.

EW Photo 5By letting go, it allows something more positive to come in.

It creates space for real joy and inner peace.

It allows the Light to settle into your life, for an experience of true enLIGHTenment.

You are your own biggest obstacle, but on the other side of that coin, you are also your greatest healer. You can work miracles when you get out of your own way, and make space for the Light to flow in your life.

If you feel called to experience this transformational alchemy process, we recommend checking out upcoming opportunities on our website schedule of events.

What students said:

“Good morning Beautiful Beings of Light 💖💖💖
I just want share gratitude from the deepest essence of the Me that I Am for this experience with you. This is one of the most important learnings to this point in this life. I am honored and grateful to go through this journey and serve with you all.”

“I had an amazing week together with you all, I feel like I came back another woman ;). I’m forever grateful my path crossed yours, and I look forward to becoming a better person with you and the MMS teachings 💫”

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to you and Al.
I have been doing so much healing for years and this really tops everything. I am so in love with life. There is so much joy and love in me even while I am being challenged in so many ways.
Thank you!”

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Afternoon tea at Betty’s Tea on the Tour of York with Dr. Theresa and Al



Click here to view upcoming opportunities to attend Empowerment Week with Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke.