An Alchemical and Spiritual Perspective on COVID-19
Create Lasting Transformation by Consciously Navigating Through These Times
We have been going through a great transformation as a collective. Our ability to remain centered, balanced, and in our full power, regardless of outer circumstances affects our overall well being. Dr. Theresa created a vlog series to help inform, inspire, and offer support during these great times of change.
Our power and how we respond ultimately rests upon a core knowing of who we truly are. Learning to make the most of this time is about being able to adjust to the ebbs and flows in life. We are recreating what we want to see emerge as a collective and in our personal lives. By taking a quantum approach in this transformation we can reach higher states of consciousness and coherence. It’s important to bring everything that is coming up to the light and allow the transformation to occur. In this vlog series Dr. Theresa will guide viewers through a process of raising your energy and going deep within to create lasting transformation and get clearer on how to navigate through these times.
Physical & Spiritual Immunity
Dr. Theresa Bullard shares how to boost both our physical and spiritual immunity, especially in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. What is meant by "spiritual immunity"? And how does it relate to physical immunity? It has to do with our ability to remain centered, balanced, and in our full power, regardless of outer circumstances and events happening around us. It rests upon a core knowing of who we truly are. Understand how your thoughts, emotions, and degree of inner self-mastery impacts the strength of our immune system.
How to make the most of this time during COVID-19 - The Principle of Rhythm
In this video blog, Dr. Theresa Bullard shares about the Principle of Rhythm, the ebb and flow of life, and how to make the most of the times when we are in an ebb. This especially applies to the current times of social distancing and COVID-19 lockdowns. Listen to this short video to discover how to turn this challenging situation into a healing one.
Reset Time - Accessing Zero Point
Dr. Theresa Bullard shares how this time of the COVID-19 pandemic is a "Reset Time". What does it mean to be in a Reset Time? What are the signs that we have hit that Zero Point of personal resetting? And how can we connect to it more intentionally? Once we hit our zero point or reset, we will then be able to tap into huge potential energy to start a new flow in our lives and set intentions for what we want to be as we emerge from this time.
Creating in Uncertainty and Quantum Creation
Continuing from previous blogs about how this time of COVID-19 is a "Reset Time", Dr. Theresa Bullard shares how to create even amidst so many uncertainties in our outer world. This is a quantum approach to creating and setting goals that involves higher states of consciousness and accessing coherence. Practical techniques are shared for beginning to access that state of coherence.
The Alchemy of Our Times
Dr. Theresa Bullard shares about the personal and social alchemy that is happening through the COVID-19 lockdowns and how this time marks a death of old ways, a dark night of the soul, and a time that calls us to our inner work. While this is a difficult time, there is much to feel hopeful about as well for we can always find ways to turn negative situations into positive ones. Learn how to make the most of this time in this video.
How to Conquer Fear
Dr. Theresa Bullard shares about the personal and social alchemy that is happening through the COVID-19 lockdowns and how to best overcome our fears and doubts about what is happening. With so much uncertainty, economic distress, and panic being pushed by the media, this is a very stressful time for many. When we are in fear and stress, it weakens our immune systems and clouds our ability to think clearly and identify solutions. This video addresses the best ways to breakthrough our fears so that we can get past them and get into solution.
What's Next After We Emerge From Isolation?
Dr. Theresa Bullard continues discussing the theme of the personal and social alchemy that is happening through the COVID-19 lockdowns. In this video she addresses what alchemical stage comes next after the current "Fermentation" and "Dark Night". What can we look forward to and set our hopes towards? Our next steps are to distill out the positive lessons and new ways of life that have been learned from this challenging situation, and continue integrating them into our lives in a good way in order to elevate our way of life to a more pure expression. She discusses practical and relevant examples of what good we can take out of this situation.
Rising Above Mediocrity
Dr. Theresa Bullard continues discussing the theme of the personal and social alchemy that is happening through the COVID-19 lockdowns. In this video she addresses how many of the problems we face in our daily lives is a result of mediocrity and what we can do to rise above it to create a better way of life on Earth. There are some positive lessons we can take from the current situation that are calling us to make more sustainable changes in our lives and our world. Ways in which we can rise above mediocrity into a more noble way of life are highlighted.
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